Sunday, August 7, 2022

How I got into TKS ( The knowledge society)

 At first I didn't actually think I would get into TKS because I have been applying and there weren't accepting me. But with time I found out that it was very easy.

The first thing I did was to go to their website and apply and after applying they sent the email I used to register "if I get in they would schedule and interview with me". He took alot of effort to actually get accepted to be interviewed and I was really happy indeed.

I was sent an email about who was going to interview me. That was the director at TKS. I was very happy and I hoped everytime that I would pass the interview. The day of the interview came and I did it perfectly and answered alot of questions from the director. 

You can check out Tks 

 The knowledge society is an innovative program which have set out to build world renowned leaders.

Make sure you join tks this December

Subscribe to my Youtube channel- rookie.seyy

Follow my Instagram

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Frankly speaking with glory elijah



 Glory Elijah is a popular Youtuber whose ‘Frankly Speaking’ talk show is one of the most followed reality review shows across the continent. Known for her season reviews of the hugely popular Big Brother franchise, ROTIMI IGE caught up with her to know about her journey into media, her show, content creation, among other issues.

Who is Glory Elijah?

I am a digital content creator with a passion for creating conversations around TV, cinema, social media content via commentaries, reviews and analysis of reality TV shows, movies and trending issues. I am a graduate of English language and literature, a diploma holder in Mass Communication and a certified advertising and branding expert whose versatility is richly expressed on my YouTube channel, ‘Frankly Speaking with Glory Elijah’.

‘Frankly Speaking with Glory Elijah’ is the name of my YouTube channel. I call it a space for self-expression with a mission to build a community of like-minded individuals who appreciate TV and Film creativity. ‘Frankly Speaking with Glory Elijah’ blazes the trail in projecting the realities and cultural diversities portrayed in popular reality TV shows, movies and trending social issues via carefully created visual and audio content. With over 370,000 subscribers across various social media platforms, I have a massive reach of a delightfully engaging global audience from over 122 countries around the world, each with a different kind of attraction to the brand. Each and everyone of my subscribers or followers when asked, always has a personal reason for liking and engaging with my content.

How long have you been a YouTuber and how did you grow your audience?

It’s been six years now and counting. I started my YouTube channel in 2017 as a fresh graduate from University. I had done my NYSC and was fascinated with the world of filming oneself, speaking and interacting with unseen people. I had ideas; I had things to say but I needed the right platform and the right kind of audience to engage my thoughts, so I started but I had limited resources to even sustain the channel, so I stopped. I had taken a nine months break but then I revived my craft  in 2018, after I was sure I knew the exact type of content I wanted to create and had some equipment to help me continue. Growing my audience was by consistency. I upload videos daily which means I need to have something to share with my audience daily which is one of the truths about YouTube and other social media platforms; the more you show up, the more you are seen, the more you perfect your craft and the more your audience increase in numbers and expand across these platforms.

How has the journey been like for you as a brand and a content creator?

Frankly, it’s been a tough journey. From struggling to save up off my meagre salary from my corporate job for an android phone, a tripod and a lapel mic,  to struggling to learn the ropes of YouTube and even muster the confidence to face the camera. I took baby steps and stayed consistent, I was constantly creating videos; they weren’t perfect, but I continued regardless because I believed and still believe in organic growth and it eventually paid off in 2019 when I finally discovered my true content niche which was reviews and analyses of TV shows, movies and trending social media conversations.

What motivated you to choose that content niche?

It was the audience. So, the first time I watched a reality TV show; I had a lot to say; I mean, a truck load so I discussed it all with a friend and we bantered over it for a while. It was at a point in our conversation that this friend encouraged me to turn my analysis into my niche as I made valid points with my arguments, so I started trying out. I started with reviewing movies, then reality TV shows and then from time to time, I discuss trending social issues.

My audience helped a lot I mean; of course, there was a lot of negative and positive criticisms which I took as feedback and never really allowed the negatives to deter me but rather, I learned from them to improve my craft and it paid off. Looking back now; I’m grateful someone saw that potential and helped me identify it. Also; my audience is my biggest motivation as their constant engagement of my content keeps me on track. Knowing that I have people from all around the world who seek my opinion and gladly shares theirs on my channel and other social media spaces, is all I need to continue in this path.

Which shows and movies have you reviewed so far?

For the reality tv shows, I regularly review the viewers favourite; Big Brother Naija, Big Brother South Africa, Nigerian Idol, Young Famous and African, The Real Housewives of Lagos, The Voice Nigeria, MTN Yellow Star, Gulder Ultimate Search, and Blue Therapy. I review these shows as they come every season. For the movies; I’ll name some of my favourites; ‘King of thieves’, ‘Ageshinkonle’ and ‘Sylvia’. They are really great movies, so I thoroughly enjoyed analysing them.

From the shows and movies you have been reviewing so far, do the producers and organisers acknowledge your work?

Good question! I think they do to be honest because in my analysis, I also offer suggestions on areas of improvement for their production, I share my audience’s feedback and most of the time, I’m amazed to see some of my suggestions and feedback applied in their shows. Those are really proud moments for me. Also, I’ve recently been getting some invitations to some of their functions, so I believe that counts for massive acknowledgements.

How did you come about the name, ‘Frankly Speaking with Glory Elijah’?

It stems from the words “frankness, honesty, bluntness, accuracy, factual”. So, I had always wanted a space where not only I but also my audience can express our thoughts and perspectives bluntly and with all frankness so ‘Frankly Speaking’ came to mind and I rode with it. The first idea for a brand name for me was ‘The Be Frank Show’ but I felt it was too bland, so I stuck with ‘Frankly Speaking’ instead. I actually love that my channel and audience live up to the name.


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